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About us

Typically, people in the cannabis industry have been huge proponents of marijuana for a very long time, but when it comes to Harout  (Flow) Yerganian (ha-root flo yur-gay-nee-un) that is not the case at all. 

The first signs of illness created headway for the rest of his path. In June of 2015, Harout was diagnosed with pneumonia in Dallas TX. After being prescribed a Z-pack, Harout immediately started feeling better. The flu-like symptoms had subsided immensely. At that time he was awarded “Best Wedding Photographer” in Dallas, TX consecutively for two years and the stress levels were most certainly getting to him. That’s when Harout decided to take a trip to visit a friend in the US Virgin Islands. After day 3, the decision to move was difficult but he listened to his intuition and decided to raise his quality of life and decrease his stress levels by moving to the Virgin Islands. 

Needing a change of pace, he set his camera down and worked in a small retail store in the bay. Harout learned quite a bit about detailed ins and outs of global and local retail trade. After just 18 months the store’s sales increased 17%. Missing his craft, 2 years after living in the islands, Harout took a photographic assignment in Miami for about a week’s worth of work. Just before he left, he went to the Dr. again for cold and flu-like symptoms. His family doctor diagnosed him with pneumonia and sent him off with a Z-pack – which did again make him feel better, temporarily. While he was in Miami, Hurricane Irma  made her way through the Leeward Islands. 13 days later Hurricane Maria showed her wrath as well.  Not knowing how to be able to help from the states, Harout took a job working as a contractor for FEMA to try and make his way back home to do the most possible good. Unfortunately, that wasn’t his path either. Upon arrival in Tampa, Harout wasn’t feeling well again, and checked himself into the Memorial Hospital ER. That’s when the Nurse Practitioner said, “oh honey, this can’t be pneumonia. This is ON your lungs not IN your lungs.”  Harout was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, stage 3b. That’s when his Irmaria story turned into the Irmacancer story.

His team of oncologists had made it clear to him that if he didn’t start treatment he would only have about 5 months left to live. However, with chemotherapy, his treatment plan would only last 2 months. The decision for chemotherapy was simple.

After 3 months of treatment he felt it was finally over. All of that crap they had pumped into his body had cleared out the cancer and he could get back to his regularly scheduled programming. Right??? Wrong! That’s when things got a little scary for Harout. After 3 months of chemo, the tumor had not budged. Remaining the fist like size, the mediastinal mass was in between his lungs, on his heart. Having only 2 months left on this “expiration date” the oncologists given him, Harout had lost all hope of beating the cancer.

That’s when the miracle happened. He gave up on worrying about beating the cancer, and focused on increasing his quality of life. simply by eating food, and smiling again so he decided to go against his doctors’ orders and try cannabis. Treating his symptoms and never thinking about actually killing the cancer cells, Harout took high potency edibles for the next 8 weeks. That’s when he received something he never fathomed, a full remission. Days later he cleared out the pulmonary embolisms in his left lung after beginning to smoke cannabis in lieu of painful Lovonox injections. Then it dawned on him. CANNABIS IS AMAZING!!! At Burning Man, one of the most incredible experiences of his life, a new nickname, Flow found him. That’s when he decided to change gears and set aside his wedding photography career to give his life to spreading the gospel of cannabis and help heal as many people as possible before his true expiration date arrived. 

In Feb 2019 Flow opened his first dispensary concept Oasis Healing Center in Moore, OK. Proving his concepts and business plans, Oasis became a HUGE success. But not all partnerships work out the way business plans plan for. 

With a modified set of plans to open a unique retail concept in St. Thomas, Flow returned to the islands. In March of 2020, he happened to have been in Dallas, TX for his annual PET scan follow up. Still in remission, he began to pack his bags to return home when the COVID-19 Pandemic put the entire planet on hold. 

Flow knew he had a lot to offer and one of his dear friends was in need of his help. Taking on new challenges, he began managing a pre-existing retail THC dispensary in South Oklahoma City, Redbud Medical Marijuana Dispensary. After skyrocketing sales, customer online reviews, quality of medicine, and education, the store was forced to close because of alternative reasons with the landlord.

But now it is time for bigger and better ways to help heal a much greater number of patients on a much larger scale. As an out of the box thinker, Harout works best when creating solutions from “30,000 ft”. As a Cannabis Caregiver, Flow has helped dozens of patients with a multitude of serious ailments. As we now know, Marijuana isn’t a gateway to other drugs, it’s a gateway off of drugs and has been an astronomical part of a patient’s treatment plan to a healthy lifestyle. Cannabis is used daily to help patients self medicate and help rehabilitate themselves all over the world. But Rehab Cannabis Club is available to nearly everyone. 

Flow created Rehab Cannabis Club as a company to make edibles in Oklahoma. Having monumental goals within reach, Flow continues to spread his knowledge and love for Cannabis worldwide. Now that the Universe has brought him back to St. Thomas “Flow is a mover and a shaker in the Cannabis industry”. He’s not here to stir the pot, Flow The Hugger is here to share all the pots!  Rehab Cannabis Club has a wide assortment of top quality, hand selected, amazing products available at 6 retailers in St. Thomas and 1 in St. John, USVI. But only so many people can have access to the medicine and super unique accessories we provide here for the USVI, so subscription services began. “Because no one likes runnin’ out of good herb…” @FlowTheHugger

As the first Medical Cannabis Patient in the US Virgin Islands, Harout is helping pioneer the industry and setting the Medical Cannabis Standard. 


Harout with the first order of The Rehab Cannabis Brand Line of Gummies at Drake's Seat, St. Thomas